Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, November 15, 2024
You Are the New Apostles, Those of the Last Times
Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 11, 2024

The Blessed Virgin is with you all who adore the Lord!
Beloved children, prepare yourselves for our meeting, I come to you to instruct you for the mission that will now be manifested to the great.
The Divine Creator longs to have you with Himself, He desires to give you of His infinite Good, to make you rejoice in His New Creation.
A new life, a Garden full of heavenly gifts awaits you, your God Love wants you with Himself, you will be the new children of Adam and you will be blessed forever.
The grace of God the Father Almighty is already upon His children, God's chosen ones, those who have heard His Word and put it into practice, have divested themselves of the things of the world to clothe themselves with Heavenly things.
The time of great revelations has come, the Father longs for His children, His Abode opens to receive them.
Pray My children, pray and fast from the things of the world, you will lose nothing because God has already prepared for you His delightful gifts, you will have the grace of the Holy Spirit in you and you will be filled with every good thing. You are the new Apostles, those of the last times, you are God's soldiers, those who stand faithful in following Him.
I, the Blessed Virgin, today pluck for you the most beautiful roses of My Garden, I offer them to My children to thank them for their faithful Yes to the Creator and I delight in your fragrance of faithfulness to the Most Holy Trinity and bless you.
Embrace the Holy Gospel, proclaim the Kingdom of God on Earth!
May the grace, love and blessing of the Most Holy Trinity descend upon you. Amen.
Source: ➥